Foreign Correspondence: A Pen Pal's Journey from Down Under to All Over

Foreign Correspondence is Geraldine Brooks's memoir of world discovery.  Though she traveled the globe for years as a journalist, her fascination with faraway places began during her childhood in Sydney, Australia.  As a girl, Brooks transported herself out of her suburban neighborhood by writing letters to various pen pals, both in Australia and abroad.

"In spite of the different turns our lives had taken as seventeen-year-olds, I still had more years of shared confidences with Joannie than with any of my mates in Sydney. [...] I knew, I'd always known, that when we met each other, we would be soul mates."

Geraldine Brooks grew up in the suburbs of Australia and worked as a reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald for several years.  In addition to her memoir, she has written many novels, including Year of Wonders, March, and People of the Book.

Published:  1998
Length:  224 pages
Set in:  Sydney, Australia