The Rosie Project

The Rosie Project is narrated by Don Tillman, a genetics professor at an Australian university who decides suddenly one day that he is ready to get married.  Don sets about finding a wife in the most methodological way possible: by creating a long, specific survey of multiple-choice questions that he distributes to every woman he meets.  This approach is slow to yield results, but Don is determined to persist — until, that is, a wholly unsuitable woman named Rosie knocks on his door and asks for help finding her biological father.

"'Professor Tillman. Most of us here are not scientists, so you may need to be a little less technical.'  This sort of thing is incredibly annoying.  People can tell you the supposed characteristics of a Gemini or a Taurus and will spend five days watching a cricket match, but cannot find the interest or the time to learn the basics of what they, as humans, are made up of."

The Rosie Project was Graeme Simsion's first novel.  Its sequel, The Rosie Effect, was published in 2014.  Simsion lives in Australia with his family.

Published:  2013
Length:  292 pages
Set in:  Australia


AustraliaRayna ClarkeFiction