The Secret History

The Secret History opens with a dramatic murder scene and then retraces the events that led to this crime.  At small and elite Hampden college, a group of eccentric students form close bonds, rejecting outsiders.  In between classes in Ancient Greek literature, the students seek out beauty and hedonistic pleasure, only to find obsession, betrayal, and cruelty.

"For a moment, as his arm touched mine, he was a creature of flesh and blood, but the next he was a hallucination again, a figment of the imagination stalking down the hallway as heedless of me as ghosts, in their shadowy rounds, are said to be heedless of the living."

Donna Tartt is the author of novels The Secret History, The Little Friend, and The Goldfinch, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2014.

Published:  1992
Length:  514 pages
Set in:  Vermont, United States